Akut/On call

Akutradiologi fra Australien
Study after study has proven that tired medical workers are not as clear thinking and “suffer lapses in judgment and impaired motor skills.”
Don’t compromise your patient’s health and your Trust’s reputation. TMC strongly believe patients requiring emergency after-hours scans, who often have complex, life threatening pathology, should receive the most detailed, accurate report – not the least.
The best, most accurate reports come from fresh, alert radiologists working daylight hours in a collaborative team environment.
This is exactly how the TMC emergency team operates, reporting from our state-of-the-art reporting suite in the heart of the Sydney CBD or Noosa whilst your local radiologists are sound asleep in bed.
TMC provides a genuine additional reporting capacity into the NHS for out-of-hours reporting and ensures mandatory European Working Time Directives are monitored and completely adhered to.

The best, most accurate reports come from fresh, alert radiologists working daylight hours in a collaborative team environment.

Sikkerhed mod stor stigning i antallet af skanninger om natten
TMC anvender kun konsulenter/radiologer, aldrig studerende eller radiografer
Erfaring tæller! Patientens liv er i vores hænder. Derfor er det kun de mest erfarne radiologer, som får lov at granske billederne. TMC har erfarne, subspecialiserede radiologer for at sikre en beskrivelse af bedste kvalitet.
TMC har strenge rekrutteringsstandarder på teleradiologimarkedet, og kun 85% af de forudvalgte ansøgere består en obligatorisk optagelseseksamen. Dette sikrer, at vores hold af radiologer er nogle af de bedste inden for deres felt.
Daytime Emergency Reporting
Hot reporting is available 9 to 5, 7 days per week, TMC’s daytime emergency reporting service helps Trusts unblock beds by providing fast sub-specialist body, neuro and MSK reporting.
Under 2-hour turnaround time for critical cases
4 hours for urgent, 12 hours for routine
9am – 5pm, 7 days a week hot reporting
With 24/7 emergency reporting provided from Australia during the UK night

Get in touch for more
International: +34 93 550 0750
UK: 0845 020 5250
Sweden: +46 8 55 92 6487
Denmark: +45 22 94 87 57
Germany: +49 6042 59 90 001